Church Planting Process:
This document details the formal process of becoming a church planter in the Anglican Diocese of the West (ADOTW) from contacting the Diocesean Office to launching the church.
Church Planting Constructs:
This document highlights the biblical mandate to make disciples, Diocsean values and practices, systems and structures, and collaboration for church planting in ADOTW.
Developing a Church Planting Ministry Plan:
This template is constructed merely as a tool to help potential planters achieve their goal of launching and starting a new church and is broken down into four sections: 1) the envision phase, 2) implementation phase 1, 3) implementation phase II, and 4) multiplication phase.
Church Planting Funding Strategies:
This document details a suggested funding methodology for planters with Archdeaconry and Diocseasn assistance.
Church Planting Saves Lives
Listen to the series on church planting presented by Rev Daniel Adkinson at the Diocese of the West Annual Synod in 2018